Saturday, January 30, 2010

Patch Day 1/30/2010! Woot!

I apologize, it's been a while since I have last updated the site. Been so busy with school, family and life ; ).

Beta has been going great, been logging all those wonderful errors and been spending the last week fixing all I could get to.

So for those that like lists, here ya go!

New Features

*Added a new weight loss ticker skin - Tropical Beach - Thank you Emily!

*New "Email Friend Feature"
-This link can be found in the upper right hand corner of the navigation bar labeled "Send To Friend"
-If you like the site, please share it with your friends!


*Changed a few things around on the home page, still looks a little too messy, will get it right one day.

*Rewrote some of the back end code, should see a performance boost for older, more data intense accounts.

*Current Weight in 'Diet Settings' now reflects proper usage

*Numerous formatting issues

*If you get an error when inputting an exercise or food, you will now be properly notified and not kept in the dark.

*You can now visit the Support Group Join/Create page without being kicked for not being logged in (for those un-registered curious types)

*Work Groups are now Support Groups, which sounds MUCH better
-Please update your favorites link

*Visiting the Weight Loss Ticker page and selecting 'Customize' will now function properly and send you to the right place

*I had to sit down and talk with FireFox explaining that it's ok if there are double spaces in food/exercise names and not freak out
-You should not get errors adding foods and exercises anymore. Just love those browser compatibility issues.

*And many many many little tweaks here and there.

Known Issues
*There are issues with older browsers crashing when trying to register (I'm looking at you IE6!)
-We are looking into this now. It is very intermittent problem and very hard to reproduce. In the mean time, please upgrade your browsers!

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